National Children Library after Khnko Aper carries librarianship, information, bibliographic cultural and educational activities and is considered the country’s all libraries’ guidance center of serving children and youth.
The library performs the following actions:
1. Collecting and giving library documents (books, newspapers, notes) for use and other information on them
2. Maintaining, repairing, supplementing and systematizing collections for children and youth
3. Cataloging, classification of the library’s collection, constituting collection’s catalog and bibliography
4. Providing access to library collections and information systems, except in cases specified by law
5. Servicing library users in high quality
6. Promoting reading, self-education and readers’ social communication processes.
7. Providing the necessary information on the library’s collection
8. Providing library’s collection’s written documents’ preservation and restoration
9. Compiling and publishing young adults’ printed books’ and media’s bibliographic
10. Servicing Armenian and Russian literature differentiated by ages
11. Servicing nearly 50 foreign languages’ books (German, Persian etc.)
12. Servicing notes’ literature
13. Organizing educational activities and social research
14. Performing methodical, bibliographic information and publishing activities
15. Investing new information technologies Library collection is available by
1) Information about library’s documents included in library collection, advice on its resources’ search and selection, including information-search system
2) Interlibrary department
Discover your next book
The preschool and I-IV, V-VIII, IX-XII grades and organizers of reading process serving subsections of Khnko Aper National Children's Library advise to read these books

Hovik Mkhitaryan – The wonderful; Edgar Tatikyan- The snowman

Angela Nanetti – My Grandfather was a Cherry Tree

Anushavan Poghosyan – Before the Storm

Sidney Sheldon – Rage of Angels

Yervant Odian — Comrade Clueless